Some more helpful information
When setting up your artwork always make sure that the following has been done:
• All images used must be 300dpi.
• Set images to CMYK.
• Font size must not be below 6pts.
• Keep text within yellow safe zone.
• Background colours must (bleed) cover the whole of the card.
• Background images must (bleed) cover the whole of the card.

When you have completed your artwork you can send us a high resolution pdf or alternatively supply us with a indesign (indd) or illustrator (ai) files, it will be better to supplies a package file from the software. This will save on time and will also allow us to inspect the artwork more efficiently.

Please Note:
Designs should be approved by the Issuer (VISA or MASTER CARD) prior to being sent to Tag Systems.
The information in the download document is given without warranty and can be update at any time, without prior notice given.

Plastic and Board Cards

Global Manufacturer